Harm OCD
People who suffer with harm OCD are very often the most kindest, caring loving people that anyone could ever encounter. It could be said that this is why they suffer from this particular subtype of OCD. Harm OCD often sees the individual being plagued by aggressive and often violent intrusive thoughts either towards others or themselves.
It is now widely recognised that most of the world population will at some point in their lives have such thoughts. However, the difference between a person who has OCD and a person who doesn't is that such thoughts will be fleeting, to the point where the person may hardly notice them. They come and go in a flash. But for the person who has OCD the very same thoughts will get 'stuck.'
To try and rid themselves of the gruesome thoughts the person with OCD will often perform rituals or compulsions. These may revolve around the person seeking reassurance that they would not and have not carried out any such aggressive violent act. They might ask members of their family or friends for reassurance. They might stop driving, they might hide away all sharp objects such as knives, forks and tools. They might hide away tablets/medications and any household cleaning liquids such as bleaches because of a fear of poisoning.