Scrupulosity OCD

We all live by our own morals, values and religious beliefs. Someone who has scupulosity OCD constantly worries about whether they have thought, said or acted in a way that would compromise these belief's. They may worry that they have offended friends, family and others or they may be worried that they have offended God. For example, a person might be talking on the phone to someone and then after putting the phone down might replay the phone call in their head, worried that they said something bad to the person they were talking too. They may feel guilty, ashamed and extremely anxious. To relieve these intense feelings they may seek reassurance from others that they are not a bad person. They may try to remember in great detail the conversation to make sure they didn't say anything bad. They may even feel compelled to record their phone calls so that they can be replayed to make sure they didn't say anything bad. Another example, might be of a person who is attending a church service and all of a sudden has the thought that they have shouted out something obscene, something against God. They may then feel that they will now never get to Heaven, that they are completely ostrasized forever. Again, they may ask for reassurance from others attending the church service. They may replay in their head what happened throughout the church service. They may even want to continually confess their guilt as-well as praying to neutralise these thoughts, feelings and actions. They may even avoid church services altogether.