Relationship OCD (ROCD)
Relationship OCD (ROCD) is another common subtype of OCD that can be extremely distressing. Relationship OCD can include almost any situation that revolves around a person's relationship's. Typically this relates to any romantic relationship but could include any other. The person might worry and obsess that their partner no longer loves them or cares for them like they used to. They may fear that a breakup is imminent even though this is the furthest thing away from the truth. They may think that if they argue with their partner then there relationship is instantly doomed. They may not feel worthy of their partners love and question whether they as a couple are truly happy. They can literally question anything about their relationships. As a result of this they often seek reassurance from their partner or others who know them as a couple. Ironically seeking this reassurance can often have the opposite effect and actually threaten the success of the relationship. It can be extremely distressing.